Monday, July 21, 2014

Dressing for the Part
By Will Ruark

Hello, my name is Will and I am a 24 year old man who likes to dress up.

When I accepted the position as Programs Assistant, I was told I would need to assist with interpretation and programming. It was also mentioned to me that I would be doing living history—and dressing up for the part.
So cute and yet so historically wrong.

As a child, I dressed up to help my father with programs about pioneers in Western Maryland. This involved me grabbing some miss-matched, overly large clothing that would receive a response of “Awww. How cute is he!” But, here at the museum—it was now important for me to attain clothes that:
1.) Would fit
2.) Were historically appropriate
3.) Would be a representation of my character (a young man from Maryland) and
4.) Would receive a different response then when I was a child.

These criteria then led me on an adventure. I had no clue that companies existed that made Civil War era clothing. I had no clue that some people in Gaston and Mecklenburg County spend their retired years hand stitching beautiful Civil War era clothing as well.

Union Soldier at your service!
I was given a job: piece together a Union Soldier outfit. This job took me almost one month. It involved me talking to a company in Idaho (and waiting a month while an “Old Lady” hand altered my coat), venturing out into the country outside of Charlotte to pick and choose an assortment of clothing from a gentlemen’s garage shop, and being told more than once that people would rather see me in Confederate Grays. It was an interesting process, to say the least.

But, hey, after the month process—I must say I look pretty handsome.

My glorious death during Civil War Soldier Camp.

Monday, July 14, 2014

Museums & Community Partnerships = A Winning Combination
By Jeff Pruett

At the Gaston County Museum of Art & History we partner with many individuals and organizations for a multitude of projects, programs, and events. Partnerships are truly the heart of rich and diverse programming, exhibitions, and successful civic engagement. Partnering with local organizations and individuals is key to creating a more thriving and revitalized community. By working together, we can truly engage and educate the community in extremely unique ways.

Currently, the Gaston County Museum partners with Gaston County Public Schools to provide free or very low cost curriculum-based history and art focused programming. We visit many local schools and provide free outreach programming as well as provide a multitude of on-site offerings, for free or very low cost. It’s always a compliment when we see students return with their families and give them tours of the museum, excited about everything they learned on their field trip.
John Dee Holeman at Blues out Back

We have partnered with local companies and individuals to make our Blues out Back Concert Series (we are currently in our 16th year) a success as well as partnering with CaroMont for our upcoming exhibit on the History of the Gaston Memorial Hospital (this exhibit will open in mid-September). Without our generous community sponsors, it would be impossible to do these types of award-winning programs and exhibits. Remember, we are YOUR Gaston County Museum of Art & History.

For information on becoming a sponsor or partner with the museum, please call Jeff Pruett – Director at 704.922.7681 x101 or Please come and see us and experience the many diverse offerings through our exhibitions and programs that we offer to all ages.