Fourth Grade Programming Time!
The education staff kicked off our 2013-2014 school year on
October 16th. Sherwood elementary visited the school and enjoyed our
4th grade program, “America in the 19th century.” This program, like many of our school programs, is a station based, third person program that utilizes the wonderful
facilities of the Gaston County Museum to illustrate a wide range of historic
interests to the students.

The stations we
usually present during this program are an overview of the parlors and
gathering room. The children then travel
upstairs to the third floor where four hotel rooms are interpreted. A short
material culture talk and demonstration follows the rooms. Students then travel to the carriage house and experience 19th century
transportation first hand. The program concludes in the basement with a
hands-on rich domestic station.
We look forward to
a school year filled with visiting students. Soon we’ll take a look at some of
our specialty holiday programming and special events that add to the
educational experience.
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