So Long, Farewell, auf Wiedersehen, Adieu!
For the past four years I have acted as the Outreach
Coordinator for the Gaston County Museum of Art and History. At the start of
the New Year I will be embarking on a new adventure with another regional
institution. In light of this, I thought it would be apropos to take a moment
and reflect on my time here.

If there was one thing that made this experience truly stand
out it has been the wonderful people who worked along side of me at the Gaston
Museum. The staff here is relatively small and unfortunately the vast majority
are part-time. This by no means
indicates that they don’t work hard, but rather that they find ways to cram a
lot of work into a very small period of time. It’s always incredible to see a
finished product, after watching incredibly talented individuals invest so much
of themselves into the project. The curatorial staff has produced amazing
installations out of seemingly nothing and the administrative staff has worn
the burden of keeping this wonderful resource open, often without subjecting
the rest of us to rumors of doomsday! Because I’ve worked beside of them so
very closely throughout the previous years, the education staff at the museum will
always mean so very much to me. Not having some of these individuals around on
a constant basis is going to be almost as big a change as the new job!
Today’s museums often have to rely upon local volunteers to
round out the staff and hopefully assist with tasks that are beyond their means.
This museum has been no different. We have been blessed with many wonderful
individuals that have assisted in ways too numerous to count. Because my
principle function was the development and implementation of school-aged
programming, I had to often rely on a bevy of talented people who were willing
to give their time simply to make the experiences better.
I’m proud to say that through my four years, I’ve not only
made very good acquaintances, I’ve made friends, both at the museum and in the
Thank you all,
Robert Bemis
Bob, I am so glad I got to meet you through the museum! You instilled in me a passion for historic photography. Thank you!