A Brief Introduction
By Will Ruark

Well, Hello! My name is Will Ruark and I will be serving Gaston County Museum as the new Programs Assistant. I wanted to introduce myself a little bit. I had the wonderful opportunity to grow up in a little city in Western Maryland called Cumberland. My father was a Maryland State Park Ranger and from an early age he involved me in outdoor programming and historical programming. (Sometimes that involved holding owls half the size of me or wearing colonial garb!) I attended Presbyterian College (Go Blue Hose!) in Clinton, SC and graduated with a BA in History and International Studies. After graduation I accepted two positions in the Maryland State Park Service. I worked a season as a Park Ranger and worked for the Americorps’ group Maryland Conservation Corps. Both positions allowed me to continue doing programming with children and adults, as well as serving the state and nation conserving the environment. (I even had the opportunity to fight Wild Fires out in Idaho and Utah!)
A younger me with a great horn owl! |
I recently moved back to the Carolinas and am incredibly excited to assist with programming here at the Museum. I hope to instill my enthusiasm about history through my programs. And, I look forward to seeing you! Come and visit soon!
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